Report: Obama Will Meet With Democrats To Try And Save Obamacare

2016-12-30 16

President Obama will reportedly meet with House and Senate Democrats on January 4 to discuss ways to try and protect the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

President Obama has reportedly set aside time during his last days in office to try and figure out how to protect Obamacare from Republicans who want to get rid of it, notes Politico. 
CNN reports that a memo was sent to party members on Friday and quotes a White House insider as saying, “Next week, Republicans in Congress will once again turn to repealing a law that's provided coverage to 20 million uninsured Americans, extended consumer protections to many millions more, improved the quality of care offered by our health professionals, and helped slow the growth of health care costs.” 
The statement goes on to say, “In light of this, on Wednesday, January 4, President Obama will visit a closed-press meeting of the House and Senate Democratic Caucuses...He will share his perspective about the dangers posed by Congressional Republicans' stated strategy to repeal the ACA before proposing any replacement, creating chaos in the health system in the short run -- and holding hostage Americans' health care -- while Republicans develop their plan.” 
Obama’s successor, Donald Trump, campaigned against the policy with the slogan, “repeal and replace.”
And, despite indications that the president-elect may have softened that position, when he nominated Tom Price as the next Secretary of Health and Human Services, Trump stated, “He is exceptionally qualified to shepherd our commitment to repeal and replace Obamacare and bring affordable and accessible healthcare to every American.”
A recent CBS News report notes that Republican lawmakers also want to repeal the policy, but they are divided over whether to make adjustments or simply get rid of it entirely.