Former GOP Congressman: ‘Obama Is Muslim’ And ‘Hates Israel’

2016-12-30 18

On Thursday, former Congressman Joe Walsh posted a series of tweets arguing that President Obama “hates Israel” because he is secretly Muslim.

A former GOP congressman from Illinois is claiming that President Obama has acted against Israel because he is Muslim. 
On Thursday, Joe Walsh, who supported Donald Trump during the election, began tweeting about the Middle East conflict. 
The issue has been in the headlines recently since the UN Security Council decided to condemn Israel for expanding its settlements, and the U.S. did not use its veto power, notes CNN.
Walsh posted a series of tweets, with the first one stating, “For the past week, everybody has been asking again why Obama hates Israel. The answer is simple really: I think Obama is Muslim.” 
He went on to allude to many others in media who, in his words, “privately believe Obama is Muslim but are afraid to say it publicly in fear of losing ratings.”
Walsh concluded by tweeting, “For better or worse, I'm not afraid to say it publicly. I think Obama is Muslim. I think in his head and in his heart he has always been. And I think it explains Obama's hatred toward Israel and explains his weakening of America these past 8 years. It's not complicated.”
There has been intense speculation in the past about Obama’s religious beliefs, fueled, in part, by the birther movement which accused the president of being born overseas. 
Meanwhile, Obama has affirmed his Christian faith on various occasions. 
According to the Washington Post, “Obama did not grow up in a religious household and became a practicing Christian as an adult. He has written more extensively about his spiritual awakening than almost any other modern president, addressing it in two books before he was elected to the White House and in more than a dozen speeches since.” 

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