After veteran filmmaker Yash Chopra's demise, many industry people were of the opinion that Ajay Devgn should postpone his film 'Son Of Sardaar', which releases on Diwali along with Chopra's last directorial venture 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan', as a mark of respect. However, recently at a press conference Shah Rukh Khan, the lead actor of JTHJ, said that it's unfair to ask anyone to delay their film. And it seems that Ajay is very happy with Khan's gesture. At a recent event Ajay said, "It is very sweet of him that he said that if Yash ji would have been alive he would have wanted both the films to release on Diwali."
"Two movies never clash, every movie is different. There is always space for two movies during Diwali, as it's holiday season. These are two very different movies and I wish all the films work. I pray to God that every film of our industry should work and do well at the theaters," he said when asked about the clash between 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan' and SOS. While 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan' is a romance drama, 'Son Of Sardaar' is an action comedy and stars Sonakshi Sinha opposite Devgn.