How To Make MORE Money with FEWER Network Marketing Leads!

2008-04-23 11 Did you know in network marketing there are several different types of lead situations going on right now? What I mean is that there are people using and working with business opportunity leads or network marketing leads in bunches of totally different ways - and only a small selection of people have figured out how to best capitalize off of using leads effectively. Here's some true examples using a random amount of leads (20): Many people are SPENDING $100 to BUY 20 leads. Some people are GENERATING 20 leads for FREE on their own. Some people are actually getting PAID $670 to GENERATE 20 leads! And even better - some people are getting PAID $670 PLUS $360 each month for those same 20 leads! Keep in mind - this is ALL income made BEFORE those leads even look at your business opportunity! How is that? How is it that there are people that must SPEND money to get so-called qualified leads for their business on one end - and on the other end, there are those who get PAID hundreds or thousands of dollars each month to easily GENERATE their own leads? It's called MONETIZATION, and it's changing the way educated network marketing professionals and marketers are doing business. Monetization uses leverage. Monetization essentially means maximizing your income and revenue for your efforts by applying a layer of leverage that is so effective, yet so NOT obvious. Using monetization can allow you to actually work with fewer leads, but make MORE money. So, if you are not a 'master marketer' yet - getting tons of prospects to you every day - don't worry. You can get better at marketing and increase your leadflow, but whatever you do - make sure you apply the leverage of monetizition to your lead generating efforts to increase your profit and give you a bigger marketing budget. A great way to do this is to offer your prospects (leads) products, services, tools, or educational materials that they are looking for right now to help them become more ...