Actor Akshay Kumar, known for his wit and comic timing, recently revealed his angry side when Sajid Khan called him a flop actor on a television chat show.
It seems that on the chat show, Sajid had said that Akshay had a run of 6-7 flops and that working in 'Housefull' and 'Housefull 2' got him out of the bad patch. Needless to say, the Khiladi did not take this 'sportingly' (pun unintended) and called up Sajid to give him a piece of his mind. Akki also reportedly told Sajid that he does not want to interact with him ever again. It is also being said that Sajid Nadiadwala's decision to not team up with Sajid Khan for 'Housefull 3' has got something to do with this Akshay-Sajid Khan war. Akshay had worked with Sajid in 'Heyy Baby', 'Housefull' and 'Housefull 2', which were major successes at the box office.
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