Cilantro (has been shown to remove heavy metals from the blood stream)
One thing you can do, right now, to save a big bunch of cilantro is make a pesto out of it. There are a couple of recipes at the link, but this is my favorite pesto recipe EVER. It uses garlic and pumpkin seeds, which are two radically healthy ingredients, too. And delicious.
Best part? Make a few batches of it and freeze the excess. It’ll keep for months and months in the freezer.
In fact, this headline states Rosemary Found to Offer Best Protection Against Radiation Poisoning. That speaks loudly enough, don’t you think? In addition to eating the herb fresh or dried (and cooked into dishes), you can also find rosemary extract or tincture in just about any natural health food store.
Gingko Biloba
Both of these herbs are cited on the site (surprise!) as excellent protection and treatment for radiation. There are several other plants listed in this compilation of studies, but I didn’t want to overwhelm. Here’s the link to the studies if you want to read more. The actual name of the paper is: Radioprotective Potential of Plants and Herbs against the Effects of Ionizing Radiation.
This plant has excellent detox abilities, in that it’s very effective at whisking away free radicals. But it’s also great for your liver and keeps it functioning properly, which is what you want in order to eliminate any toxins that might be in your body.
You can pick fresh dandelion and eat them in salads, but if you’re concerned about radiation, this may not be the best option. (As the radioactive particles would have fallen on the plants, as well.) Check your natural health food store for dandelion root to make a tea with, dandelion tincture, or even dandelion greens in the produce section.