Imagine Music - Infinity - World's Most Epic Intense Dramatic Music Ever.

2016-12-24 12

Yes Virginia, There is a Masonic Jewish Conspiracy. (Left, Even Santa conceals something sinister)
I am old enough to remember when Christmas was
a joyous religious celebration of the birth of Christ and the Gospel of Love. The suppression of Christmas is a symptom of the cancer that infects mankind. We have been subverted by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, that is responsible for war, terror and cultural degradation in general. Society is satanically possessed. Every year, there is a little less Christ in Christmas, a little less Christian spirit.
The spirit of giving now is confined to exchanging gifts. Scarcely is there a mention of Christian love. We can't even say "Merry Christmas." That might offend some people, Satanists perhaps. God is Love. Satanists aren't big fans of Love. They have a lot of clout.
christmas_carolers.gifThis year (2016) it seems we have thrown in the towel and resigned ourselves to celebrating the "holidays." There are fewer decorations and carols. 77% of Americans identify as Christians but it seems only minorities have rights. Only minorities can be "offended." We don´t even hear the usual protests. It's been a seamless transition. Christmas celebrations, once so intense and beautiful, have become a thing of the past. None of this is by accident.
Incredible and bizarre as this sounds, a satanic cult, the Illuminati, rules the world. The Illuminati consist of Cabalist Jews and their Freemason go-fers who are empowered by the central banking cartel, namely the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers etc. Their aim is to translate their private monopoly over credit (currency) into a monopoly over everything similar to Communism. While they pay lip service to religion, they worship Lucifer. Their agents control the world's media, education, business and politics. These agents may think they're only pursuing success, but success these days often literally means serving the devil.
This conspiracy would not be possible without the active complicity and passive acquiescence, not to mention the venality and credulity of most Gentiles. Prisoners of their wealth, the Illuminati pretend to be moral while working to enslave humanity in a New World Order. The Protocols of Zion is their blueprint. Hiroshima, Dresden, Auschwitz were sacrifices to their god Lucifer. They are responsible for the two World Wars, the Great Depression and the Cold War; Sept. 11, and the Iraq, Afghanistan, Syrian and Ukrainian wars. Illuminati Jews (NeoCons) seem to be preparing a Third World War. They have to destroy the world because they can't abide a world that isn't cast in their image.
Satanists are motivated by hatred of God and humanity. They turn good and evil on its head as way of spitting in God's eye and serving Lucifer. They define man as an animal governed by base instincts and deny the existence of our soul and spiritual ideals. They acknowledge the existence of God but deliberately defy and displace Him.
Their goal is to invert reality so that healthy is made to seem perverse; natural seem unnatural; beautiful seem ugly; and truth seem lies, and vice versa. Essentially these Satanists want to redefine reality according to their self interest and perversions. This is the cancer from which we suffer. SATANISM EMPOWERED: THE NEW WORLD ORDER

The Illuminati created Communism as a prototype of the New World Order. Karl Marx was hired to sell totalitarian rule ("the dictatorship of the proletariat") by pretending to espouse equality. He was a Cabalist Jew and Satanist as were Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin.

richard1.jpgIn his book, Marx and Satan (1986) Richard Wurmbrand, a Jew who converted to Christianity, illustrates Marx`s true hatred of God and humanity. As early as 1848, Marx wrote about a "coming world war" that will eliminate "riffraff" like Russians, Czechs and Croats.

"The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth. And that will be progress...the revolution...cares as little about the human lives it an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages. Classes and races that are too weak to dominate the new conditions...will be defeated...their very name will vanish." (42)

In his poem Human Pride Marx writes that he will "wander Godlike and victorious through the ruins of the world... I will feel equal to the Creator."(31)
Wurmbrand, a pastor who was imprisoned in Romania, says Communism is Satanism empowered. Christians weren't just brutally persecuted and murdered, they were made to blaspheme. Communism's goal, the goal of the New World Order, is to mock God and to praise Lucifer. A Communist newspaper confessed,"We fight against God: To snatch believers from him."(77)