Israel-Palestinians: UN settlement vote stirs strong feelings

2016-12-24 5

Jewish settlers are dismayed. Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu says it is “shameful”.

Emotions are running high after the UN Security Council demanded that Israel end all settlement activities on occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.

The resolution was able to pass after the United States chose not to use its veto.

“The UN’s resolution? I think the UN never represented the state of Israel,” said Shlomo Levi, a resident of the Har Homa settlement in East Jerusalem.

“It was always against it. We will continue, as always, to do what we see as right, for the benefit of the state of Israel and for the benefit of the people of Israel.”

.@UN chief welcomes #SecurityCouncil resolution on #Israeli settlements as ‘significant step’— UN News Centre (@UN_News_Centre) 24 décembre 2016

Not surprisingly, reactions are different on the Palestinian side although hopes of change are tempered by fears the resolution will only have symbolic value.

“Nothing will change,” said Khalil Jemzawi, a resident of Ramallah in the West Bank.

“It is all just politics and talk. Hopefully this step will be good for our people. However, we did not expect this vote. Hopefully it won’t only be politics, talk and pen on paper. We want it to be implemented on the ground.”

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat hailed the resolution on what he called “a day of hope, a day of peace”.

“We hope that this clear message to the Israeli people is that they must accept the international community’s call to stop settlement activity, to stop the occupation,” he said.

#Palestine’s full statement following the adoption of #UNSC resolution 2334 on illegal #Israelisettlements— State of Palestine (@Palestine_UN) 24 décembre 2016

Friday’s resolution was passed by the 15-member council with 14 votes in favour and one abstention, that of the United States.

Barack Obama defied pressure from long-time US ally Israel and President-elect Donald Trump for Washington to wield its veto.

While the vote sends a strong signal, it does indeed change nothing on the ground and likely will be all but ignored by the incoming Trump administration.

Analysis: Israel waiting for Trump, hoping Obama’s legacy will be wiped out #IsraelNews— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) 24 décembre 2016

Due to be sworn into office on January 20, Trump wrote on Twitter after the vote, “As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th”.

As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 23 décembre 2016

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