'Heart block' or technically correct name CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) is primarily diagnosed from modern medical persoective, based on clinical features (symptoms and signs), elctrophysiological studies, laboratory investigations, coronary angiograms and the likes. No other systems of medicine does this primary job of identiifying the significance of 'bkockage' and the ensuing adaptations of the myocardium and the damages that would result. However, institutionally trained doctors in alternate systems of medicine also learn about anatomy of the carsiocascular system, physiology of the CVS and also the utility of investigations in the diagnsis of CAD. In this backdrop, those who knows what is this 'blockage' and the pahtophysiology behind this, can attempt treating the cases basd on the training and experience which are rational and beneficial to the patient. It should not be purely experimental at the cost of life of the patient.