Actor Ranveer Singh, who had grown quite fond of his handle-bar moustache that he had grown for his role as the rustic and rakish Ram in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Ram Leela', finally got rid of his 'mooch' to get back to his clean-shaven look. Ranveer, who had announced back then that only his 'Ram Leela' co-star Deepika Padukone will shave off his moustache, seemed to change his mind and let his 'Gunday' buddy Arjun Kapoor do the honours. In the picture attached, it is quite evident that Ranveer was highly reluctant to part with his moustache whereas Arjun Kapoor looks gleeful about getting to shave off Singh's facial hair. The two stars will play childhood buddies in upcoming YRF flick 'Gunday'.
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