ADNAN OKTAR: The Maiden's Tower and the Galata Tower are rarely used symbols of the British deep state, but of course these are beautiful districts of Istanbul and they are completely blameless. I can proudly make reference to them. It would have no meaning on its own, but when it is considered together with the other signs, then it becomes clear that they are referred as a symbol. This applies to the Maiden's Tower as well. It was the place where the boats of our brave people who were carrying weapons to Anatolia during the Turkish war of Independence were halted and then they were executed. Our brave people were taken there via barges and then martyred. Too many tough, brave people were martyred in there. For example, the British police patrolled the Maiden's Tower. When they saw a boat, they blew whistle instructing the boat to stop. They hauled the boats to the Maiden's Tower, and tortured our brave people until they were martyred. And then they sent bodies via barges to distant neighborhoods, and after fastening rocks or other heavy objects to their bodies, they would throw them into the sea. This is why there were so many missing bodies among our brave martyrs. There were many missing bodies in that period, and they could never be found. Names such as Ustura Kemal and alike were the people of that era. The British deep state killed many renowned braves in this way. For that reason, the Maiden's Tower is a bloodstained tower for them. This is also true for Galata; it is a memorable place for them. So, these locations are used as symbols by the members of the British deep state. But, if you see that they also support homosexuality or atheism, it means they are most probably the servants of the British deep state. And sometimes, they do this to ingratiate themselves with the British deep state in the slightest chance that they might be recruited. They do this constantly for very long periods, for example ten years, thinking that they might be accepted among the ranks of the British deep state. They cowardly and dishonorable submit to the British deep state in order to earn its members’ appreciations. Such people have many fake profiles on internet which they praise themselves. For example, they make it look like a homosexual is praising them, or a British deep state sympathizer is praising them. Thus, they try to win the favor of the British deep state. But the British deep state is extremely picky in their recruitment. This is why these lackeys practically beg them to be recruited. In other words, they have established a downright vile system.
At the time, the Maiden's Tower was a British police station.
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