Canadian Woman Sent Back Home After New Zealand Authorities Find Cat In Her Baggage

2016-12-23 12

The Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand reports that a Canadian woman was recently denied entry after she allegedly tried to smuggle a cat into the country.

While we all love our pets, it's never a good idea to to smuggle them into another country.
The Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand reports that a Canadian woman was recently denied entry after she allegedly engaged in such activity.
A press release by the ministry notes, "The woman only declared dirty boots to biosecurity officials at Auckland Airport when she arrived from Vancouver, failing to reveal she had hidden a cat in the small handbag she had carried aboard the flight."
Authorities made the discovery during the X-ray screening of her baggage.
Although the "woman claimed she had alerted officials about the cat when she bought her ticket," it is noted in the release, "As a result of the find, immigration officials refused the woman entry permission to the country. She was forced to return to Canada with her cat on the next available flight."

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