Revolt Production Music - The Spaceship (Epic Intense Orchestral Hybrid)

2016-12-23 1

Inexplicable UFO captured on radar over air base - claims former RAF Lieutenant. EXCLUSIVE: A FORMER Royal Air Force (RAF) Flight Lieutenant has described how he and colleagues saw an inexplicable UFO "blast" across radar screen while he worked at an air base. The incident happened while Malcolm Williams was working in air traffic control at RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire, on a night shift, just before Christmas in either 1994 or 1995, according to UFO investigator Phillip Mantle who interviewed him.

Mr Williams said he had nearly 20 years of experience at the time and was used to analysing quirks that radar can sometimes produce such as bird activity and atmospheric variation.

On the night in question, Mr Williams was guiding two C130 Hercules aircraft, that were approximately three miles from touch down.

But, he suddenly observed a very large "blob" on the radar screen, that he has been unable to explain.

Not knowing what it was, he contacted the pilots of the two Hercules aircraft and fed them around the target.

He said he then passed control of the inbound aircraft to a colleague and went upstairs to the visual control room.

Mr Williams was interviewed about the incident by UFO investigator Philip Mantle.

Mr Mantle said: "The room where he had been based had no windows so he wanted to see if he could obtain a visual sighting of this radar target.

"Mr Williams could not see anything but another radar called the DFTI (Distance from Touchdown Indicator) located in the visual control room also had this blob, which was stationary at the time, on its screen. "He asked the visual controller if he had any idea what the target was but he replied that he didn’t know what it was.

"Mr Williams returned to the radar room and the blob was still on the radar screen.

"He used the usual suppressors to try and eliminate it but all to no effect.

"After puzzling what this image might be for a while he decided that it must be a technical problem with the radar but after checking it all seemed to be functioning correctly.

"Things took a decidedly different course when the radar blob on the screen suddenly seemed to ‘burst’ and shoot off at tremendous speed in all directions.

"Mr Williams had never seen anything like it and had never seen anything move so fast in all his life.

"There was a brief discussion with a colleague but they had no idea what it was. The visual controller witnessed the same on the DFTI."

Mr Williams was then telephoned by an agitated airman who was on guard duty on the base. The airman said: "Sir I have not been drinking, I am on guard duty and have just seen something that was very strange, but can’t explain but thought that Air Traffic should be informed of it."

The airman informed Mr Williams he had seen a bright light in the east and that it had burst and shot off in all directions at speeds that he could not believe.

Mr Mantle added: "Mr Williams informed the airman that he knew he hadn’t been drinking as he had seen the very same thing on radar.

"Several minutes later another airman on guard duty on the perimeter of the base also telephone Mr Williams and reported the same thing."

Mr Williams said this made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

Mr Mantle said: "He had been willing to pass the whole episode off as some kind of technical fault with the radar, but now it was obvious that this was not the case."

Mr Williams logged the details and telephoned the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and reported the incident.

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