Airbus unveils Transpose concept that would allow passengers to enjoy fine dining or spa time on a plane

2016-12-23 1

TOULOUSE, FRANCE — Airbus has released a new concept called Transpose, which may allow travellers to enjoy dining in restaurants or even go to the gym while flying in the air.

The plane interiors are built in modular sections, and can be tailored to the customers’ liking, by including a gym or a play zone for children.

The new concept does not require any new plane models. Instead, it makes use of existing cargo planes and their large doors and reinforced floor rails. The modular sections can easily be loaded onto the cargo plane. Once in the plane, they are securely latched on the floor.

Different interiors can be swapped. For example, sleeping compartments for red eye flights can be exchanged for a coffee shop and seating for short daytime flights.

According to Wired, Airbus has already recruited engineers and designers to work on a demonstration module in a full-sized plane mockup. The company says the concept could be fully realized in just a few years.