Destiny The Taken King - 3 New Crotas End Dead Ghosts (Patch 2.0) - Dead Ghost Locations

2016-12-23 1

Destiny The Taken King - 3 New Crotas End Dead Ghosts (Patch 2.0) - Dead Ghost Locations. The Taken King brings more ghosts to Destiny, find out how to find them in this playlist.



With the release of patch 2.0, there are several new ghosts to be found. Three of the new dead ghosts can be found during the Crotas End Raid.

❱ Crotas End Ghost #1 - Thorn 4 (00:03)
Follow the lamps until you come to lamp 6. Turn right and look for the dead ghost sitting right on the edge.

❱ Crotas End Ghost #2 - Hellmouth 2 (01:28)
The second ghost in Crotas End can be found the weight of the darkness is lifted off of you and you make your run towards the light. Run over the bridge and make your way to the point where the light will take over the screen. The dead ghost is on the left side on a pillar that's just before the point where you would normally teleport to the next part of crotas end.

❱ Crotas End Ghost #3 - Hellmouth (02:21)
The third dead ghost can be found in the last section where you fight Crota. You can collect it during Omnigul or actual Crota fight, it's up to you. The dead ghost is on the wall underneath a cable in one of the connecting rooms next to the crystal.

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