Karan Johar, who will play the baddie in Anurag Kashyap's upcoming film Bombay Velvet, has thanked the latter for fulfilling his dad, late filmmaker Yash Johar's dream. Karan recently revealed on Twitter that his father always wanted him to be an actor and that Kashyap has finally helped him realise his father's dream. "My father thought I should be an actor... I didnt...thank you Anurag Kashyap for fulfilling my dad's wish...just wrapped #BombayVelvet!!!," he posted on the micro-blogging site. Karan will essay the role of Kaizad Khambatta, a flamboyant, quick-witted, Parsi media mogul in Bombay Velvet, which also stars Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma in the lead roles.
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