Mass Effect: Garrus Vakarian

2016-12-22 19

Mass Effect: Garrus Vakarian

Mass Effect Codex, is an In game codex with disciptions of commander shepard known associates in this case Garrus Vakarian.

Primary Codex Entrie:

Garrus Vakarian is a noted turian sharpshooter and combat engineer. He was born on Palaven and became a Citadel Security officer like his father, but left the force when superiors shut down his investigation into the rogue Spectre Saren Arterius. Vakarian eventually discovered that Saren had been indoctrinated by the Reaper known as Sovereign.

Vakarian eventually found his way to the criminal haven of Omega and assumed the name Archangel. There, he and a small group of operatives worked to disrupt the settlement's powerful mercenary groups until Shepard recruited him. The turian narrowly survived the second Normandy's attack on the Collectors. More recently, Vakarian has become the head of a turian task force focused on preparing for the Reaper invasion.

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