Kapil Sharma, who was all set to mark his Bollywood debut with Yash Raj Films' Bank-Chor, won't star in the film now. Buzz has it that YRF and Sharma have decided to part ways mutually and now, the crime-comedy will go on floors without him. Ashish Patil, Business & Creative Head, Youth Films, Talent Management & Brand Partnerships at Yash Raj Films, confirms, ''We will look forward to working together in future when the time is right.'' Directed by Bumpy, Bank-Chor is a comic-caper that tells the story of three morons, who try to rob a bank on the worst day possible, when everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. Interestingly, to concentrate on his film career Kapil also decided to take a break from his popular show Comedy Nights With Kapil, which is going off air in September. Meanwhile, Kapil Sharma is also engaged in a Twitter war with Kamaal R. Khan.
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