Bipasha Basu will be next seen in Vikram Bhatt's upcoming film Creature 3D, which is India's first creature movie, and the actress believes that the film will be enjoyed by all quarters of the society. At the trailer launch of the film, Bips said that she has always had immense faith in Bhatt and that he is a 'forward thinker'. At the event, the actress said, ''There's a kind of belief that I have in him. When he offered me this film he told me that he wants to make a film but can't tell me much about it other than this that it would be a creature film. So I told him that it sounds interesting and I'm just going to trust you and I think belief and trust pays off.'' ''Vikram is a forward thinker and he always tries his best and I believe that we have something interesting to offer. Something that will be adventurous for everyone,'' she further added. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Creature 3D is slated to release on September 12.