Europe's far-right blasts Chancellor Angela Merkel for Berlin lorry attack

2016-12-21 1

Germany’s far-right has blamed Angela Merkel’s open door refugee policy for the Berlin Christmas market attack.

A leading member of the anti-immigration AFD party, Marcus Pretzell, could face possible police action after he denounced the Chancellor via social media website Twitter, stating: ‘‘These are Merkel’s Dead”!

Wann schlägt der deutsche Rechtsstaat zurück? Wann hört diese verfluchte Heuchelei endlich auf? Es sind Merkels Tote!#Nizza#Berlin— Marcus Pretzell (@MarcusPretzell) December 19, 2016

Other far-right leaders across Europe also blamed the EU’s open borders for the lorry attack in the German capital, including France’s Marine Le Pen.

Blasting Merkel in a “press release”: she called for the immediate restoration of national borders.

Elsewhere, Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders also took to twitter. He accused Germany’s leader of having blood on her hands with a provocative photo.— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) December 20, 2016

While in Britain, former UKIP head Nigel Farage also intimated the Chancellor’s policy towards refugees was responsible claiming the events in Berlin will be Merkel’s legacy.

Terrible news from Berlin but no surprise. Events like these will be the Merkel legacy.— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) December 20, 2016

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