Floating gym in Paris uses human energy to cruise down the river Seine

2016-12-20 14

PARIS — An Italian design firm has unveiled a floating gym that can cruise down the Seine river using the power generated by gym-goers.

The project, known as Paris Navigation Gym, is developed by Carlo Ratti Associati in collaboration with Technogym, Terreform ONE and URBEM.

The gym is a 20-meters-long boat and can host up to 45 people. It is equipped with Technogym’s ARTIS bikes that can harness human energy. The movement generated by the gym-goers are transferred into energy used to propel the gym boat.

According to Carlo Ratti Associati, the gym also contains augmented-reality screens inside that shows the gym-goers of the amount of energy sourced from their workouts.

The gym will inhabit the river all year long and the transparent glass can be opened in the summer to let in the breeze on River Seine.

Although the gym is purely a concept for now, studies show it could be implemented in less than 18 months, reported BreakingNEWS.ie.