Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who is all set to mark her Bollywood comeback with Jazbaa, tells her daughter that she is going to office whenever she steps out to fulfill her professional commitments. At a recent event for L'oreal, talking about Aaradhya, Ash said, "So all this time I have been working and have been busy with my endorsements and appearances, I have been getting ready in my suite in front of Aaradhya and when I leave I tell her I'm going to office. So she associates hair styling, make-up etc with my office bag, it kind of works for me so far." When asked if her little daughter has started paying attention to make-up products, the former beauty queen said, "When last time I came to launch Kajal Magique and somebody asked me if Aaradhya is attracted towards make-up I said not at all, she is very young I was like how can they even ask me such a question. Recently I got felicitated by the Miss World Organisation and when I came back and was removing my make up, my daughter asked what are you doing I said I'm cleaning my face so she said no you are removing your make-up. So now she is aware of the term make-up." Aaradhya turned three in November 2014.