The description of Dr. Panda Restaurant Asia
Explore a beautiful new Asian-themed restaurant while making sushi, stir fry and more—absolutely free!
Kids can take charge in their own kitchen in the brand new Dr. Panda Restaurant: Asia! Future fine chefs have the freedom to choose what they want to prepare and exactly how they’d like to prepare it! Chop, grate, blend, fry and more with over 20 ingredients and create the perfect dish!
Key features:
• Choose from over 20 ingredients: Eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, fish, and more!
• Chop, bake, boil, fry and more to make the perfect dish!
• Experiment and have fun! No time limits or scoring.
• Check out how customers react to what you use and how you cook! Dozens of different reactions to see!
• New Asian-themed setting!
• Safe for kids! Absolutely no third-party ads or in-app purchases!