8 gifts for every night of Hanukkah

2016-12-16 1

Day 1: Traditional gifts. Give your kids "gelt" (money), chocolate coins, a Menorah, or a Dreidel. At the end of the day it's all about keeping the traditions alive. Day 2: Cards Against Humanity: Jew Pack Day 3: Happy Hanukkah, Curious George tabbed board book Day 4: The gift of giving: Make a positive impact by having a 'good deeds' night with your family. Day 5: Deforma Building Blocks Children's Toy Chanukah Menorah Day 6: Llama Llamakkah Ugly Hanukkah Sweater Day 7: Dancing Hanukkah Puppy Day 8: Handmade gifts. Gifts don't have to be store-bought, so present your child with a lovely DIY item.