Aamir Khan has added another feather to his cap.The ace actor has garnered a lot of appreciation for his quirky and spot on performance in PK, owing to which The Harvard Business School has invited him to come and chat with them about PK. Aamir has a very unconventional look and performance in PK which has caused quit a stir. The movie showed him as an alien who sets out on a quest to find 'God'. Harvard is extremely keen to discuss Aamir's role at great length. They are very keen to know about the preparation and portrayal of his character in the film. Aamir has not fixed a date with them yet but will be visiting the B-school soon. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, PK had a very individualistic appeal and created a rage not just for its simple yet impactful performances but also for its distinctive story line. PK touched the audiences heart in a very subtle yet effective way.
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