Squirrel vs mouse: Hungry squirrel has fellow rodent over for lunch

2016-12-15 6

’MURICA — If you’re easily grossed out by the sight of Mother Nature in all of her raw and unadulterated glory, then perhaps it’s time to look away now.

But those of you who think the natural world is completely awesome should stay tuned in for this one.

Stunningly clear video footage has captured a hungry and determined squirrel chowing down on an unfortunate mouse.

And you thought squirrels were vegetarians.

Well, apparently not. So yes, while it’s true that squirrels love nuts, they’re not exactly what you’d call fussy eaters.

Although several varieties of the species are in fact herbivores that live on a plant-based diet, many squirrels are omnivores with an unequivocal taste for meat.

Some ground squirrels like nothing better than scarfing down on insects, worms and even small mice — something clearly demonstrated in this video.