Concerns Arise Over Claims Trump’s Son Helped Him Search For An Interior Secretary

2016-12-14 3

The president-elect’s son, Donald Trump, Jr., reportedly helped his father search for an interior secretary; this activity has prompted claims of potential conflicts of interest since the younger Trump is expected to take over the family business.

Donald Trump Jr. reportedly helped his father search for an interior secretary, raising further concerns about possible conflicts of interest between the family business and the White House. 
Politico notes that based on inside sources, the president-elect’s son “sat in on interviews, and made calls to candidates.” 
A recent CNN report corroborates his likely involvement in the selection process, adding that “the influence of Trump Jr.'s hunting passion and conservationist ways has heavily favored Western State candidates in the search.” 
The younger Trump’s interest in the position is not surprising, as he has indicated that it is one he himself would consider; he told Petersen's Hunting in January, “The biggest family joke that we all had over the holidays was that the only job in government that I would actually want would be in the Department of the Interior.” 
Although the president-elect has reportedly chosen Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke for the cabinet role, critics have pointed out that his sons’ involvement in government affairs is questionable given that they are slated to take over the family business. 

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