CIA says Russia helped Donald Trump win the White House

2016-12-10 68

A secret CIA report says Russia interfered in last month’s US election with the aim of helping Donald Trump win.

Citing intelligence officials, The Washington Post claims individuals with close connections to Moscow provided hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and a key aide of Hillary Clinton to anti-secrecy website Wikileaks.

While Trump’s transition team has dismissed the CIA’s findings, by simply saying the same people said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, the Obama White House has ordered a review.

White House spokesman Eric Shultz said: “The president earlier this week instructed the intelligence community to conduct a full review of the pattern of malicious cyber activity related to our presidential election cycle. So he’s requested this report be completed and submitted to him before the end of his term.”

In October, the US government formally accused Russia of cyber attacks against the Democratic Party ahead of the November 8 vote.

Democrats claim the hacks were a deliberate attempt to damage Hillary Clinton’s election campaign.

A CIA has not formally commented on the matter.

The Kremlin has repeatedly denied all accusations of interfering in the US election.