Oline Network Marketing Secrets

2008-04-19 37

Your success is in your hands. Michael Dlouhy here, the founder of Mentoring for free. I'm the author of: - "Success in 10 Steps" - "Powerful Network Marketing Secrets" - "The 35 Biggest Mistakes Everyone is Making in Network Marketing And What You Can Do About It." - "Colors To Success" - "Five Pillars" I'm also a guest author in: - "It's Time For Network Marketing" by John Milton Fogg - "Chicken Soup For The Network Marketer's Soul" by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen I can prove to you that your lack of success is not your fault. You are perfect just the way you are. People ask me all the time: "Why do you do mentoring for free"? I am the #1 Presidential distributor in my network marketing company and I'm building it today. So, mentoring for free is my way to give back to the industry and help you reach the dreams, it's not about the money. You can own your life and live your life on your terms. Many self-called experts that may have built it 5, 10, 15 years ago but they cannot do it today, so they are selling you their books, tapes, or CDs that don't work today. Or they have never built a downline in any legal network marketing company. If you were married for 10 years and needed marriage counseling would you take advice from someone not married but wrote some secret report about how a happy marriage would look like if they actually had one? Or someone that was married for 5 or 6 times? Of course not! You would seek advice from someone happily married for 40 or 50 years and raised successful happy children. How did you feel when I said "You lack of success is not your fault. You are perfect just the way you are"? Your proof is in reading my book "Success in 10 Steps" and listening to the 4 skills calls. Then setup a one on one coaching call with me where I will answer ALL your questions and get you on the road to success. If you want to build your business over the internet (online network marketing) and never make a list of your friends and ...