Battle Creek Falls Utah - Winter Hike

2016-12-09 12

Battle Creek Falls Winter Hike: Visiting the falls during different times of year will provide a new unique experience each and every time. Visit in early spring during run off, and witness the water flowing over the falls at full force. Visit during the summer months as mentioned above and the lower creek may be dry, with the falls only flowing enough to provide a nice mist to cool you off on a hot summer day.

On our visit in early December there was no snow and much of the trail was the same minus the green foliage. However, because some of the trail hugs the north side of the canyon there were several sections that were icy and very slippery. Most of the icy sections were located just before the water catch basin and on the steep section of the trail just before the falls. The path leading to the base of the falls also had a few icy sections, but they were easy to navigate around on our visit.

Once at the base of the falls, we were treated to a large section of snow and ice covering the creek. The falls were cascading over the ice covered cliff providing views of beautiful ice formations. Although visiting the Battle Creek Falls in the winter provided a few more challenges, seeing these beautiful falls in the grip of winter was well worth it.

No matter what time of year you choose to visit the falls be sure to have the proper gear to do so. In the hot summer months carry plenty of water for you and your family. During early spring please use caution around high water. In the winter be sure to have good boots, or even a pair of snowshoes for when the trail is covered in snow.

Click the link below detailed information about Battle Creek Falls, trail stats, location, and more.

Have a great day and I will see you on the next outdoor activity!

Troy Webb – Utah Outdoor Activities - Like us on Facebook - Click here for Instagram – Click here for Google Plus - Gear, Décor, Outdoor Themed Gifts

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