Bernie Sanders piles pressure on Trump over jobs at Washington rally of blue-collar workers

2016-12-08 44

Donald Trump may have been elected with the help of blue-collar workers who felt left behind by globalisation, but it looks like the honeymoon could be short. Euronews’ Washington correspondent Dr Stefan Grobe was on the ground at the Good Jobs Nation rally in Washington.

Just up the block from Trump’s new hotel, low-wage federal contract workers who were on a one-day strike, gathered to demand Trump stop all federal contractors from “stealing the pay of workers who serve America,” according to Good Jobs Nation, a campaign that is supported by community and labor organisations. They accuse the companies of violating health, safety and wage violations.

Senator Bernie Sanders warned federal contractors not to hide behind Trump and promised the president-elect a tough labor fight.

“We’re telling Mr. Trump and anybody else that when millions of us stand together, we are going to win. Nobody is going to stop us,” Sanders told the crowd.

Sanders is piling the pressure on Trump to keep his promises on jobs and wages.

Democratic congressman Keith Ellison who is running for the chairmanship of the party, rejected the notion that Democrats in Congress now need to give Trump a chance.

“This is not about cooperating with Trump, this is about cooperating with the people. Listen, we got too much focus on what some politician or big businessman is up to. The focus needs to be on the people, right?”

Also at the rally, Hollywood actor Danny Glover lashed out at Time Magazine for declaring Trump the Person of the Year.

“It is irresponsible to make him Person of the Year! Based on what? Based on the fact that he won the Electoral College? Based on the fact that he lied to people? Based on the fact on all the stories of what he has done to women and what he thinks of women? Based on the fact of his racism? A racist? That’s the Person of the Year? I’m appalled!”

Euronews’ Washington correspondent Grobe sums up:

“The blue-collar workers who were instrumental in Donald Trump’s election victory now want action, and they want it fast. Trump needs to deliver to keep these workers in his camp or else.”

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