FIND MY WAY HOME by Stephen Hereford

2016-12-08 7

It's been a month since I uploaded Supercar and so the time has come for my December song. The idea for this one came while I was waiting for the bus to bring me back home. Often when I write a song, most of it is composed in my head as I had the string line and percussion already laid out in my mind for this one. The trick is to actually create the exact sound that I'm hearing in my head. Once that it done, I have to write the words and then see if I can actually sing the song and decide then if my voice is right for it. I'm very happy with the results here and how this song turned out.

Trying to find my way back home. Crying, it's a long way to go.
I'm just staring at the world with nowhere to go. I'm just trying to find my way back home.
I've got to find my way home.