Last year, Aamir Khan literally created dhoom at the box office with Yash Raj Films Dhoom:3 which also starred Katrina Kaif, Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra. In fact, the action thriller went to break many records and created new ones as well. With Dhoom franchise proving to be a money spinner, we are sure Aditya Chopra is planning to take it further with Dhoom 4. While reports have been doing the rounds about the fourth installment of Dhoom being in the pipeline, we have got some more juicy dope on this topic. After Aamir, his jigri dost Salman Khan could well star in Dhoom 4. Yes, our khabroo says Bhai will be the first choice for YRF's next Dhoom film which reportedly will go on floors in 2015. Now that's interesting, hai na?
Frankly, we aren't surprised coz the Being Human star is indeed a crowd puller and is known to get cash registers ringing. Looks like it's Salman turn to will machao dhoom at the box office! We are certainly keeping our fingers crossed for this one, what about you Bollywoodlifers?