White Nationalist Richard Spencer Says America 'Belongs to White Men'

2016-12-07 236

White nationalist leader Richard Spencer told an audience at Texas A&M University on Tuesday, December 6, that America “belongs to white men.”

Spencer made the remark in a speech about what he called the “story” of white Europeans. In answer to a question from an audience member about whether he thought whites were superior, he said there was “no…objective standard” whereby he would say one race was better than another, but that, “the white race is mine. It is the most important thing for me.”

Spencer was met with hisses, boos, and cheers upon entering the student center, according to local media. He called hecklers “clowns,” as heard in this footage.

Spencer was brought to campus by a man who attended A&M and who rented the room for the occasion. He was not invited by the university, CNN said. While Spencer was slated to speak at the Memorial Student Center, students held a unity rally at the nearby Kyle Field. The university said two people, who were not students, were arrested at the “peaceful event.”

Spencer is the president of the National Policy Institute, a think tank “dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.” He was filmed leading delegates at a National Policy Institute conference chanting “Hail Trump” in Washington on November 19. Credit: Twitter/josefgoldilock via Storyful