As a network marketing consultant and marketing trainer, I get asked this question a lot: What really is the BEST network marketing (home based business) training book, course, or program out there? That's a pretty big question because there are many different books and courses out there that supposedly teach people how to build a network marketing business better and more effectively... But, yes, I DO have a personal favorite that I believe really is the top training resource on the market today - and in my personal and professional opinion and experience... One that is NOT filled with hype and warm fuzzies. One that is NOT telling you all kinds of crazy ways to build your business that are based upon hope and chance. One that is NOT simply rehashed information or 'positive thinking' feel good stuff - BUT... One that provides exactly the message people need to hear from someone who actually does what they teach. One that finally (once and for all) identifies the problem in network marketing of why so many people do not have success or make decent income in this industry. One that actually gives you PROVEN solutions to help you avoid or fix those problems or hurdles. One that is real enough and has the guts to shoot straight with you to give you the TRUTH to truly help you - even if part of the industry doesn't want it revealed! One that identifies and addresses YOUR issues and concerns in building a network marketing business - then gives you answers and solutions to fix those - and then gives you access to resources and tools to give you a head start and a competitive edge right away. What book am I talking about? It's The Renegade Network Marketer by Ann Sieg! Maybe you've heard of it or maybe you haven't - but whatever you do, GET it and apply it, and I KNOW you can benefit from it! Here's a video where I further explain this book and WHY I feel it's essential to all networkers: Here's a site we set up where you can kind of ...