Trump Says Japanese Company Will Invest $50 Billion, Create 50,000 Jobs In US

2016-12-06 3

On Tuesday, Donald Trump announced that SoftBank Corp., a telecommunications enterprise based in Japan, has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump announced that SoftBank Corp., a telecommunications enterprise based in Japan, has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S.
The move could create as many as 50,000 jobs, according to Trump. 
The president-elect shared the news at Trump Tower as he stood next to the company’s CEO, Masayoshi Son. 
Trump said of Son, whom he calls Masa, “He's one of the great men of industry, so I just want to thank you very much."
Trump also shared the news via Twitter along with the declaration, “Masa said he would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election!” 
It's unclear in what sectors and over what timeframe this investment will be made.
According to CNBC, "Son told reporters...that he arranged the meeting with Trump and likes him 'very much.'"