How To Make Spinach Dip Cups - Full Recipe

2016-12-01 40

Today, we're making the dip the dish! Just follow this easy recipe to make your own spinach dip cups! What You'll Need: 4oz. Melted cream cheese 1 tbsp Olive oil 2 tsp Dill 1 Egg 2 cups Spinach ½ cup Feta cheese Crumbled bacon Crescent roll dough Steps: Mix cream cheese, olive oil, dill and egg in a bowl In a separate bowl, mix spinach, feta cheese and crumbled bacon Add mixture from the first bowl to the second, sprinkling with salt and pepper to taste Slice crescent roll dough into rectangular pieces Fold dough into squares and place into a muffin pan Fill the dough with the spinach dip mixture, coating the top of the dough with butter Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Let cool, then serve! How did yours go? Let us know in the comments below!