First Virtual Reality, Then Augmented Reality, Now 'Mediated Reality'

2016-12-01 18

Let's set the record straight. Virtual reality is when the real world doesn't show up in our field of vision and everything we see is the product of a computer. Augmented reality, like Google Glass, is when helpful images and text appear on a transparent surface while the real world makes up the majority of our field of view. And now there's mediated reality

Mediated reality technology blurs the lines between the real and virtual worlds. Shenzhen-based tech company VisionerTech presented their own mediated reality goggles, which combine elements of both VR and AR, at the China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen on Wednesday. The user can still see what's happening around him in the real world, but is still able to enjoy unreal, computer generated creatures and scenery, taking the best of both worlds.