How to Get FREE Network Marketing Leads that Pay YOU Money!?

2008-04-17 30 So, network marketing leads - probably one of the most popular and sought after things in the home business and networking industry. Unfortunately, people are still being taught that they should go prospect people or spend money and buy supposedly 'qualified' leads. Not only is that not very effective and a huge waste of time; but you are leaving money on the table because there ARE tons of free leads (people looking for what you have to offer) available to you all over the place that will actually pay YOU money FIRST before they even see your business opportunity or products! That may sound crazy to you because most people are SPENDING money on leads and then trying to 'convince' - but, yes you can get paid to generate your own leads who actually ARE interested in what you offer and don't have objections. So, how do YOU do that? Simple. Just offer people things they are already looking for AND buying right now. Instead of always leading with your opportunity first (which the masses are doing), you simply start off by offering things that people in this industry will pay for and want RIGHT NOW - such as training, education, and helpful content to help them in whatever they do. This makes you look more professional and creates more trust from your prospects because you are offering them something they want and need anyway - and then they will be much more likely to join your main business. In essence, you are getting paid an additional side income just for getting valuable education to others who want and need it - and are paying for it NOW. So, why settle for just free leads when you can generate your own leads that are not only free, but ones that will PAY you to become your lead and are highly qualified? But first you must learn WHERE these prospects are and how to market effectively for FREE; so they will find YOU and pay YOU for these things - and then you must make sure you are offering training and information that is truly valuable and ...