Study: Whites Are Dying Faster Than Being Born In 17 States

2016-11-30 20

A new study by the University of New Hampshire has found that, in 2014, non-Hispanic white deaths exceeded non-Hispanic white births in 17 states whereas this applied to just 4 states in 2014.

New research by the University of New Hampshire has found some surprising statistics about Caucasians in the U.S.
The recently published study states, “In 2014, deaths among non-Hispanic whites exceeded births in more states than at any time in U.S. history. Seventeen states, home to 121 million residents or roughly 38 percent of the U.S. population, had more deaths than births among non-Hispanic whites in 2014, compared to just four in 2004."
This phenomenon, called a “natural decrease,” was observed across parts of the American West, South, and Northeast in states like California, Nevada, Mississippi, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Maine.
Researchers have attributed the demographic shift to factors like a higher percentage of older people, fewer women of childbearing years (15-44), and lower fertility rates.
They also suggest that this natural decrease will likely continue in many of those states given their relatively small numbers of females under the age of 15.
The team thinks these trends will increase the need for elder care and for education to keep the remaining young population competitive in the global workforce.