Sycophants of the British deep state show off with the fact that they speak English, but they are only abasing themselves

2016-11-29 9

ADNAN OKTAR: Those who seek to ingratiate themselves with the British deep state constantly use pictures that they would like; I mean the pictures which British deep state would like. One of the things they show off the most is speaking English well. But not with an American accent, speaking it with a British accent. They brag about the fact that they can speak English with British accent. Almost half of the world population speaks English; this is not as big an issue as they think. They speak English among themselves. Moreover, they create fake accounts in order to make it look like they have many followers. And they also make themselves look like they are members of various associations. Watermelon lovers association, this-and-that association... They invent fake, imaginary associations and make themselves look like a member of these. And then they try to project the image of sophisticated people involved with the inner secrets of the British deep state. Some of them are supposedly uncovering the secret of the elephant symbolism, some uncover the secret of the frog symbolism. You know nothing; you are merely asleep. They are virtually using you and you are not even aware of this. A handful of authors praise the Rumi philosophy, and then they all become its followers. They glorify being a Darwinist, and these people all become Darwinists immediately.
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