The British deep state asserted its so-called superiority to the entire world through Anglo-Saxon racism

2016-11-29 11

ADNAN OKTAR: Through practicing an astounding Anglo-Saxon, British racism, the British deep state asserted the superiority of its own race to people by degrading them. Indians, Pakistanis, Jordanians, Egyptians, they all hugely admire the British; the Ottomans under the reign of Abdulhamid did the same. There is a tremendous admiration towards the British. And for that reason, they consider learning English a huge privilege. The British do not ask for people of other nations to learn English. These people learn English on their own accord, in order to ingratiate themselves with the British. In other words, Britain does not say, "Our language is the best, you must learn it." But these people are learning or have learned English because they revere power, because they seek to ingratiate themselves with the British. And thus, English has become the most spoken language in the world. It has become the language of intellectuals. It seems that they carried out a highly systematic and painstaking work. But it was also an ambitious and tenacious effort. The world is currently suffering the consequences. They have put the youth in a competition of who is more British. The competition of becoming a British among some Pakistani people would flabbergast you. According to these people, Pakistan is a backwards country. They do not care about Pakistan. They are only concerned with becoming a British. It is also true for some Indians, as they are desperately seeking after becoming British.

EBRU ALTAN: You have mentioned about Pharaoh before. "He belittled his people and they submitted to him."

ADNAN OKTAR: People have a tendency of respecting those who belittle them. There are various slang sayings that colloquially mean "Those who torment command respect." They have such a mentality.
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