Majority of think tanks are under the influence of the British deep state

2016-11-29 7

ADNAN OKTAR: "When the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs was asked about influential think tanks, he said he does not think that the USA-based think tanks play a significant role, and that they only offer advice but the decisions are ultimately taken by the governments. What are your thoughts on this?" All think tanks are under the influence of the British deep state. And for the last three centuries, no government has ever acted in defiance of the British deep state. Canada, Holland, Germany, neither of them has ever done such a thing. They always act unanimously. No country opposes one another. But after the First World War, the British deep state produced Hitler and Stalin. Lenin says, "There is a power higher than us. We might have the car, but someone else is behind the steer." Hitler came to power in a breeze and they used him in all sorts of ways. And once they were done with him, they had him brutally murdered. Such acts are not a problem for the British deep state. Look, what does Mr. Bahçeli say? "There is a siege," he says. "For that reason, we should hold a referendum and let the people give the answer." He is referring to the tyranny of the British deep state. Thus, all the intellectuals, everyone has realized the British deep state threat. Abdulhamid was surrounded by British supporters and Darwinists.
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