《 MAGIC TOWN- MAGIC MUSIC SHOW》is a music tv show inclouds 52 chinese songs and MV for kids.It was released in November 28th in 2016 in china . If your children wants to learn or sing chinese song that's a good choose! The reason is that the lyric is really positive for children and the rhythm is not only extremely happy but easy remember!The MV include colorful、creative 、imaginative illustrations was created by outstanding illustrators who are the members of MAGIC TOWN group and the MV could help children to release natural instincts and develop the imagination. it's a fantastic musical travelling for your children! ! So enjoy it!
《麦杰克音乐魔法SHOW》 是针对学龄前儿童制作的52集儿童插画风格的动态视频。每集是一首有趣的原创音乐歌曲mv,拥有出色审美的插画画风、新鲜原创的音乐、健康有趣的歌词,意在激发小朋友们脑中天马行空的想象力,释放孩子的天性。52集完整版MV于2016年11月28日登陆各大视频网站。