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Free Ebook "Steal Mindfulfulness From Yourself" worth ($27)
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Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation Techniques, How To Mindfulness Meditation, Zen Meditation, Guided Mindfulness Meditation, Tips For Meditation, Free Meditation Online
Does your mind ever feel like it just won’t switch off? Thoughts are spinning around and around inside your head like a carousel out of control. And the more you try to stop them, the faster they seem to go. All you want is some peace within.
Practicing in real life:
Imagine you are washing the dishes. You might begin with trying to do it mindfully for just 5 minutes. Here’s how:
• Start by bringing awareness to your senses: how does the soap feel against your skin, what does it smell like (rather than describe or think about it, just enjoy actually smelling it), what shape is the dish you are holding, how does the wash cloth feel as it moves over the dish, what sound is the water making in this moment, and so on.
• Notice how we use our senses to help keep us aware of this moment.
• You can also use your own body in this way: bringing your awareness to rest on the sensation of your hands moving as you wash, the feel of the floor against your feet, the sensation of your joints moving, etc.
• Whenever your mind wanders, just notice it and gently, with no judgment, bring it back to your senses.
• Do it for just a few minutes at a time but in those few minutes, try to get completely absorbed in your awareness of that moment.