Lighter, Quieter, Smaller RC Models May Be Future Of Model Industry If you think your local airport has problems with the neighbors... try being a radio-controlled model airplane hobbyist in search of a flying field. The AMA is encouraging the development of new, officially recognized AMA Park Pilot sites in metro areas throughout the US for a new generation of smaller RC models known as "Park Flyers." Park Flyer models will weigh two pounds or less and be incapable of reaching speeds greater than 60 mph. They must be electric or rubber powered, or of any similar quiet means of propulsion. Models should be remotely controlled or flown with a control line, remain within the pilot’s line of sight at all times, and always be flown safely by the operator. A Park Flyer site can be either an outdoor or an indoor venue. When flying at sites specifically designed for Park Flyers, the pilot will keep the model within the established flight boundaries of the field. Members need to take into consideration several factors including piloting ability, weight, size, and speed of the Park Flyer model to determine if a Park Flyer site is an appropriate venue for flying a particular model. The test should be, “Can I fly this model safely and quietly at this flying site?” The Academy of Model Aeronautics says that, "As an aid in reaching this goal, we’ve developed a special ''How to Start a Park Flying Site' turnkey package so members who are trying to secure a field won’t have to start from scratch when they approach landowners or officials responsible for regulation of public facilities. The package includes a DVD to show landowners and park officials what park flying is all about––and how different it is from the engine-powered, radio-control flying with which they may already be familiar. There are tips on how to approach officials and landowners, plus instructions on how to set up a field. It even includes a guide for how to quickly and efficiently organize a club, its bylaws, and field ...