Mall Santa Gets Removed After Telling Girl Hillary Clinton Is On Naughty List

2016-11-23 15

A mall Santa in Florida has been replaced after telling a child that his naughty list includes Hillary Clinton.

A mall Santa in Florida has been relocated after telling a child that his naughty list includes Hillary Clinton. 

According to WKMG News 6, a woman took her two kids to sit with Santa at the Seminole Town Center on Tuesday night.

A screenshot of her Facebook post about the incident is said to read, “She tells Santa what she wants, and then he tells her she’s on the nice list.  He then says that there’s only one name on the naughty list. Can you guess who? My daughter says who? And he says Hillary Clinton and then started laughing.” 

The mother, a self-identified Clinton supporter, subsequently called to complain about his behavior to the mall’s operator and wrote about it on social media. 

She reportedly explained in her post, “I’m upset because this had nothing to do with a child and seeing Santa, and at age 10 she still believes.” 

Mall managers have indicated that the Santa intended his comment as a joke, but they have apologized and he has since been replaced.  

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