Why the Network Marketing Industry LACKS Common Sense!!

2008-04-15 15

http://www.NewMarketingStyle.com Why would I say that the network marketing industry lacks common business sense? Well, let's take a look at some of the ways people in network marketing are being taught to build their businesses, and let's logically observe: Network marketing first started out (and people still teach this) using "word of mouth" advertising as a way to build up their network and customer base. Now, is word of mouth really that effective? Well, it's most effective when the person doing the 'sharing' or recommending of something has NOTHING to gain from sharing something with another person. For instance, you know those viral email jokes, or even some famous YouTube videos that get massive exposure and are passed around all over the place do NOT pay the person sending them out a commission or a 'referral fee' for doing so - and people know it. You see, anytime you recommend something to someone and there is something that you could gain (a commission or a sign up) from recommending it to someone - it puts a huge gap in between you and your prospect, and changes the entire ordeal to a 'sales' process - and your prospect can sense you are in it for other reasons than just trying to help them. Another area of network marketing that doesn't make any business sense is prospecting: Why are people taught that they need to go find people or "prospect" people to tell others how great their company or products are? If what you have to offer is really that great - then you should be ATTRACTING people to your business, your products, and to yourself! If you have something great, doesn't it make more sense to learn how to effectively MARKET and get your message out in public view so that when people are looking for what you have - they can find YOU and be attracted to you - instead of hunting people down and trying to convince them that you have something great? Can you honestly see a regular business owner out beating the streets begging for people to take a look at his ...