Chemical-Free Spa Water Treatments - Mineral Spa

2016-11-23 3

Chemical-Free Spa Water Treatments

Is your hot tub helping to make you healthy? With our chemical-free spa water treatments, hot tubs can be healthy too! Just fill your spa and pour it in and from that moment on you can escape to your own private, peaceful mountain resort to enjoy the calm, soothing effect of a hot, healing mineral spring - without leaving your yard. You bought your spa for comfort and relaxation - not to be a slave to toxic chemicals; testing, balancing, shocking and clarifying.

Adding our concentrated Mineral Spa turns your hot tub into your own personal volcanic hot spring! Get yours now only at Clarity Water Products! Check out our website for more information about our Mineral Spa treatment and other chemical-free spa water treatments.

Spa Water Treatments
Water Treatments
Well Water Systems, Clarity Water