Cartoon Network (UK) - Ads and Continuity (Early 2000) (5)

2016-11-21 4

Bit of a short one here and yes, it DOES have that fecking Penalli infomercial hog most of the time but...hey, what'cha gonna do?

In-between "Looney Tunes" still, not that I need to say this for you know but anyway...

1) "That's all, goddammit!" / Cartoon Network ID sting
2) Cartoon Network promo for weekday morning line-up (Weird how they had to mention kicking Johnny Bravo out of the line-up so clearly like this. Ah well!)
3) This bloated, ridiculous infomercial that I almost felt like rewinding through but decided not to this time (Yeah, this is the one infomercial they liked the most on Cartoon Network UK at this time. God knows why. Also, why does making a pen much smaller equate to "female"? Any pen can fit into a handbag. Hmm.)
4) Welcome Back promo for "Looney Tunes"